Example 1, macro bubbles
Day 2 of Homeschooling starts off well. We woke up reasonably closer to our target start time (9:30am). Breakfast was quick and efficient, and then we got down to business. We worked on syllables, phonics, and basic mathematical word problems. We also conducted a bubble experiment regarding the subject of "Inquiry" (see Examples 1, 2, 3, and 4). We collected the needed materials and had a good time making lots of bubbles and a big soapy mess (at least the counters are squeaky clean now).

Example 2 (Exhibit A - Glycerine and sugar added, Exhibit B - no sugar added)

Example 3, logging observations

Example 4, finished log entry
Thing 2 was especially needy today since all focus seemed to be on his counterpart. He wants desprately to do all the things Thing 1 does, but finds himself coming up short (literally). But good news for Thing 2, his buddy (we'll call him Muchachito) and Muchachito's nanny are willing to put up with him 3 hours, 3 mornings a week starting next Monday! She's also Spanish speaking so Thing 2 will get some good practice in before he goes to Immersion pre-school next year.
Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the pool to chill with Thing 1 and 2's friends this afternoon, but hopefully the weather will hold out this week so we can get some swim time in soon. The evening was ended with The Researcher reading Thing 1 the 2nd chapter of
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.