The Researcher found her foray into homeschool quite a wild ride! Thing 1 has been learning a ton of things these past few months, and has definitely benefited from the one on one attention and support.
The Researcher was taken by surprised how much work is involved to homeschool progeny! It was a wonderful experience that will continue on in some capacity throughout the summer, but since June is now here we are going to step back from accelerated academics and enjoy the remainder of our days at home.
Thing 1 was wait-listed to three prominent private schools here in the Bay area this past spring. He recently received word that there was an opening last week. But, in a happy turn of events he was also accepted into a progressive lab school for talented and gifted children just last Friday! We are very happy and proud of Thing 1, and can't wait to see what he will do with this magnificent opportunity in the next coming school year!
In conclusion, the researcher enjoyed her experiment thoroughly. She realized a lot about her own capacities and limitations as an educator, and her patience has grown by leaps and bounds. She's also realized, that in the long run, homeschooling is not for her. She has so much more appreciation for all the educators of the world, and is very much appreciative of the magnificent teachers Thing 1 has had in the past and both kids will have in their futures :0)
Thing 1 enjoyed his homeschooling, but is very much looking forward to being in a classroom next year and the adventure of a new up-and-coming school where both our talents will be put to good use for sure!